CBD calming chews for dogs

Trying to help your anxious dog by using CBD is not easy, and the process can be overwhelming. The steps below are a helpful guide for any pet owner who would like to give their pup a calming effect with Natural Hemp Dog Treats for Anxiety.

CBD is able to act as a natural sedative for dogs, stimulating the nervous system without the typical side effects of other drugs (e.g., drowsiness or lethargy). In addition, it has no major negative effects on dogs when used appropriately and in moderation, which makes it one of the safest options available for pets.

While it is amazing the benefits of CBD, the effect of CBD on dogs and people is not nearly as vast as its effects on humans. In order to benefit your pooch, we must first learn how to prepare the proper dose for them. Here are my three steps:

Step 1: Find a reputable source of CBD pet products. There are many companies out there that can provide you with products for your dog; however, you want a company that openly shares their process and methods in producing hemp extracts and their plant-based CBD products. This will guarantee the quality of their product, which will, in turn, lead to higher quality results with your dog.

Our CBD tincture is made with hemp that is grown in Colorado and tested for pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants. Our USA hemp extract is lab tested for potency and cleanliness to ensure you get the most out of our product.

CBD calming chews for dogs

Step 2: Purchase CBD dog treats. Unfortunately, this is the easiest step because there are a lot of companies out there selling their premium CBD pet treats; however, you need to find a company that isn’t just trying to make a quick buck on your dog’s anxiety. You need to make sure their CBD treats are made from hemp extract and are, in fact, 100% natural and safe for your dog to consume.

​Our CBD dog treats are made from our US grown hemp extract, which is completely non-GMO, pesticide-free, and solvent-free. Our CBD comes from the whole plant – stalk, stem, and leaves – unlike other companies who use isolate that comes from just the stalk. We know there is a higher percentage of CBD in the entire plant vs. using an isolate as it is much purer.

Step 3: Prepare your dog’s dosage of CBD oil based on their weight. If you’re using a tincture, be sure to shake the bottle well before using it. Then, hold the syringe in one hand and pet your dog with the other hand. Squeeze out a few drops at a time and massage them into their skin under the belly or near their paw pads. If you’re using a dog treat, work slowly over your dog’s body in small sections by breaking off each piece of treat and rubbing it on your dog’s skin.

Chris Sanchez is a founder of Readroldo blog, where one can post guest blogs in many categories, such as health, travel, fashion, and more. I write for all kinds of businesses that coordinates with the project details from beginning to the final end production. It all starts with the successful interaction with the professionals that are involved in the project.

All you got to do is share your story and I’m here to pen down into an appealing attention seeking content to create some crazy noise for your website services!

Chris – who has written posts on Innovation is the best way to win.